DopeAF adj ‘dōp-.äf[dope•A•F] creative shitfuckery
1 a: to create something [however small] that has cultural value and inspires critical or satirical thinking.
b: to speak with conviction to those who share your values at whatever personal cost.
c: to produce work that has a symbiotic relationship with its medium. The use of any and every tool at your disposal to expedite the message. If such tool doesn’t exist, it is invented.
I am constantly evolving, learning and trying to make sense of the world. When I create work, I create it because I’m genuinely thinking and struggling with a social issue, moral dilemma or cultural enigma. I have no agenda, just a little hope that other people see how fucking ridiculous the world is too. I do my best to create work that is satirical but empathetic and without ego, and strive daily to create something I think is DopeAF™. DopeAF is a way of thinking, a lens I put on to help bring the absurd more into focus.;I allow myself permission to find humor in difficult subject matter. This means I don’t get it right most of the time, but I’m becoming OK with that. I humbly ask for forgiveness for the many times I get it wrong.
I am in the unique position of being a bystander immersed in the culture of America. Leaving England for the US twenty two years ago has allowed me to side step any deep rooted political affiliation and cultural norms. I am an English father to an American boy, so when I parody aspects of American culture, I do it from a place of love. I teach him to find the satire in any situation and we embrace irony with open arms. My work is sometimes complicated, but my mantra is simple